Beauty Regime of a Queen, Donkey Milk Bath Anyone?
Updated: Apr 6, 2020
Queen Bee & beauty guru Cleopatra may have lived well beyond our time but her acclaimed beauty was supposedly down to something much more accessible to us today than ever before.
No we're not talking about bathing in donkey milk.... although that was a meant to leave her skin a sumptuously silky texture.... no we are talking the Dead Sea.
Transforming Minerals
For centuries, emperors and travelers made their way to the lowest point on earth to discover the place where fish could not thrive in the waters, but where you could float on water and emerge rejuvenated and renewed. The queen on innovation, Cleopatra built the world’s first ever spas off the shore of the sea and swore by the rejuvenating qualities and she wasn't far wrong in doing so.
Astronomically concentrated in minerals the salts themselves act as the perfect exfoliate, gently buffing skin. As for the mud itself, its known to be highly penetrative to the skin yeilding anti-aging properties that we will show you how to grasp!
Regime of a Queen DIY style
Good news is, you don't need an expensive flight to Egypt! We have the answers right here!
We've collected the freshest ingredients & infused dead sea mud into our Sea Salt & Sage cleansing bars. They are the perfect alternative to the real deal plus they aren't so messy.
They are packed with minerals & oils perfect for reviving tired skin.
below are a few of the minerals found that will plump & rejuvenate for a new refreshed glow.
Super 4 Boosting Properties
Sodium: helps with anti-aging
Magnesium: helps to increase antioxidant production (helps with aging skin)
Calcium: helps with skin regeneration from wounds, prevents infections, involved in cleansing pores
Bromine: helps to give a boost to your skin repair functions, provides some soothing properties to some skin disorders, natural antibiotic
Want To Go One Step Better?
Use one of our natural face brushes for the ultimate in deep cleansing. Use with warm water - this will stimulate blood flow. An active blood flow close to the skin can help to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin so skin stays firm and younger looking for so much longer.
And the best bit.... they are available to buy right here, right now!
